Latest blog posts:
- The Hacker News Stack
- No Best Tool For The Job
- Opening Mail
- Who's watching the watchdog?
- A side project story: Hacker Gifts
- Story Behind Hackathon Photo
- JavaScript Gom Jabbar
- Shuhari
- Disposable Software
- What were you trying to achieve?
- Replacing Jekyll for my blog
- On Leaving Facebook
- React API evolution
- A side project story: Octave Cloud
- Moving my serverless project to Ruby on Rails
- TODO apps are meant for robots
- Optimize Your Meetings for Engagement
- Things that are not strings
- TODO file for personal projects
- Debugging home internet connection
- Reconsidering the way I explain programming
- How not to use Flux: SET actions
- Digital Typewriter
- Improving end to end tests reliability
- How to convince your boss to use React Native
- React Conf 2018 Recap
- How not to use Flux: mini cycles
- I'm a Tomorrowman
- Better way to switch between apps on macOS
- No constraints, no fun
- Why side projects are hard
- The Very First React Native App On the AppStore
- React-flavored JavaScript in 5 minutes
- Understanding "Taming the Meta Language"
- cdtmp
- Plotting ideas
- Good errors leave trace
- Geek's guide to making decent slides
- Test Plan
- Provide Context When Writing Blog Posts
- Show OSX notification when long running command finishes and your terminal is not in focus
- My favorite shell shortcut
- Using Redux with Flow
- Copying code with syntax highlighting
- Hello, world!